Disc to the Future 2
Disc to the Future Part II Programmer's Reference (Wayzata Technology)(6013)(1992).bin
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167 lines
* External declarations for the linker.
#include "::h:rt.h"
#ifdef ATT3B
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#endif /* ATT3B */
* Miscellaneous external declarations.
extern FILE *infile; /* current input file */
extern FILE *outfile; /* linker output file */
extern FILE *dbgfile; /* debug file */
extern char inname[]; /* input file name */
extern int lineno; /* source program line number (from ucode) */
#ifdef EvalTrace
extern int colmno; /* source program column number */
#endif /* EvalTrace */
extern int lstatics; /* total number of statics */
extern int argoff; /* stack offset counter for arguments */
extern int dynoff; /* stack offset counter for locals */
extern int static1; /* first static in procedure */
extern int nlocal; /* number of locals in local table */
extern int nconst; /* number of constants in constant table */
extern int nrecords; /* number of records in program */
extern int trace; /* initial setting of &trace */
extern char ixhdr[]; /* header line for direct execution */
extern char *iconx; /* location of iconx */
extern int hdrloc; /* location to place hdr block at */
extern struct lfile *llfiles; /* list of files to link */
* Structures for symbol table entries.
struct lentry { /* local table entry */
char *l_name; /* name of variable */
int l_flag; /* variable flags */
union { /* value field */
int staticid; /* unique id for static variables */
word offset; /* stack offset for args and locals */
struct gentry *global; /* global table entry */
} l_val;
struct gentry { /* global table entry */
struct gentry *g_blink; /* link for bucket chain */
char *g_name; /* name of variable */
int g_flag; /* variable flags */
int g_nargs; /* number of args or fields */
int g_procid; /* procedure or record id */
word g_pc; /* position in icode of object */
struct centry { /* constant table entry */
int c_flag; /* type of literal flag */
union { /* value field */
long ival; /* integer */
double rval; /* real */
char *sval; /* string */
} c_val;
int c_length; /* length of literal string */
word c_pc; /* position in icode of object */
struct ientry { /* identifier table entry */
struct ientry *i_blink; /* link for bucket chain */
char *i_name; /* pointer to string */
int i_length; /* length of string */
struct fentry { /* field table header entry */
struct fentry *f_blink; /* link for bucket chain */
char *f_name; /* name of field */
int f_fid; /* field id */
struct rentry *f_rlist; /* head of list of records */
struct rentry { /* field table record list entry */
struct rentry *r_link; /* link for list of records */
int r_recid; /* record id */
int r_fnum; /* offset of field within record */
* Structure for linked list of file names to link.
struct lfile {
struct lfile *lf_link; /* next file in list */
char *lf_name; /* name of file */
union xval {
long ival;
double rval;
char *sval;
* Flag values in symbol tables.
#define F_Global 01 /* variable declared global externally */
#define F_Proc 05 /* procedure (includes GLOBAL) */
#define F_Record 011 /* record (includes GLOBAL) */
#define F_Dynamic 020 /* variable declared local dynamic */
#define F_Static 040 /* variable declared local static */
#define F_Builtin 0101 /* identifier refers to built-in procedure */
#define F_ImpError 0400 /* procedure has default error */
#define F_Argument 01000 /* variable is a formal parameter */
#define F_IntLit 02000 /* literal is an integer */
#define F_RealLit 04000 /* literal is a real */
#define F_StrLit 010000 /* literal is a string */
#define F_CsetLit 020000 /* literal is a cset */
* Symbol table region pointers.
extern struct gentry **lghash; /* hash area for global table */
extern struct ientry **lihash; /* hash area for identifier table */
extern struct fentry **lfhash; /* hash area for field table */
extern struct lentry *lltable; /* local table */
extern struct gentry *lgtable; /* global table */
extern struct centry *lctable; /* constant table */
extern struct ientry *litable; /* identifier table */
extern struct fentry *lftable; /* field table headers */
extern struct rentry *lrtable; /* field table record lists */
extern struct ipc_fname *fnmtbl; /* table associating ipc with file name */
extern struct ipc_line *lntable; /* table associating ipc with line number */
extern char *lsspace; /* string space */
extern word *labels; /* label table */
extern char *codeb; /* generated code space */
extern struct gentry *lgfree; /* free pointer for global table */
extern struct ientry *lifree; /* free pointer for identifier table */
extern struct fentry *lffree; /* free pointer for field table headers */
extern struct rentry *lrfree; /* free pointer for field table record lists */
extern struct ipc_fname *fnmfree; /* free pointer for ipc/file name tbl */
extern struct ipc_line *lnfree; /* free pointer for ipc/line number tbl */
extern char *lsfree; /* free pointer for string space */
extern char *codep; /* free pointer for code space */
extern char *lsend; /* pointer to end of string space */
* Hash computation macros.
#define ghasher(x) (((word)x)&gmask) /* for global table */
#define fhasher(x) (((word)x)&fmask) /* for field table */
* Machine-dependent constants.
#define RkBlkSize 9*WordSize /* size of record constructor block */